Intel today announced the availability of the latest mobile Intel Atom processor-based platform, formerly codenamed “Cedar Trail.” The dual-core Intel Atom processor N2600 and Intel Atom processor N2800 are paired with the Intel NM10 Express Chipset and feature a small form factor package size that saves system board real estate and enables thinner netbook designs. In addition to the mobile processors, Intel offers the Intel Atom processor D2500 and D2700 for entry-level desktop and all-in-one designs, as well as intelligent system solutions. The Intel Atom Processor D2700 operates at 2.13GHz and has a 1MB L3 cache, while the D2500 has a clock speed of 1.86GHz and the same amount of cache. The Intel Atom Processors released today are designed to provide small, compact, on-the-go computing with great battery life at an affordable price, the latest platform adds several new features to netbook computers made popular by students, families, and those looking for light productivity and Internet browsing. These devices will be available in early 2012 from major OEMs.
Intel Begins Shipping New Intel Atom Processors - N2800, N2600, D2700, D2500
Intel 22nm Ivy Bridge Processors Launching on April 8
Rumors are floating around the web that Intel plans to release a total of 25 different 22nm Ivy Bridge processors on or around April 8, 2012. The sources say that 17 of the CPUs will be for desktops and the other eight are for notebooks and ultrabooks. With the new processors also comes new chipsets and those will be the Z77, H77, Z75 and B75 in April and then the Q77 and Q75 in May. We don't know why Intel pushed off the launch of these processors, but if we had to guess we would have to think it's a combination of a slowing market and that they are trying to clear out the Sandy Bridge processors that are still plentiful in the channel. Intel has the performance lead when it comes to processors, so why rush things?
ECS Announces Wireless HDMI Display Adapter Called Wi-Bridge
Elitegroup Computer Systems (ECS) has launched its first wireless display solution for HDMI display devices with the release of the ECS Wi-Bridge. The ECS Wi-Bridge is a lightweight, wireless display adapter which is portable and compact to save more space in your living room or on your office desk. ECS Wi-Bridge successfully breaks wired limitations and bridges your PC or NB to a big screen display supporting 1080P HD high quality resolution output via HDMI. ECS Wi-Bridge supports varying display modes meeting users different browsing performance needs. In addition to easy life, ECS Wi-Bridge is ideal for office use. Save time unplugging and easily switch between various presenters. You will find conferences smoother and more enjoyable.
Cooler Master Launches The Cosmos II Ultra Tower Case
Cooler Master today announced the successor to a world renowned chassis line, the Cosmos II. Incomparable in design and specifications, the Cosmos II comes in as among the first of its type. It is an Ultra Tower; a benchmark for all enclosures that exist and all that follow.
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